Is Coconut Oil Good For Low Porosity Hair?

Some people think it is good for low porosity hair, while others say it’s too heavy and or greasy. The first step to answer this question is to find out what coconut oil can do for your hair. Coconut oil is made up of about 90% saturated fats, so if you have low porosity hair that typically lacks moisture, this just might be your miracle product! Coconut oil also has anti-microbial properties from the lauric acid which helps remove harmful bacteria from the scalp. In addition to these benefits, coconut oil is a great moisturizer and penetrates deep into the cortex of your strands making them softer and silkier looking.

So, Is Coconut Oil Good For Low Porosity Hair?

Coconut oil is considered to be a dietary essential on the Polynesian islands and for good reason, especially for long time hair growth. Coconut oil has been shown to increase nutrient absorption, boost metabolism throughout the body, and improve joint health. Besides that fact that it can be used as a cooking oil, coconut oil is very versatile in the kitchen. It can be used as a salad dressing or even as an egg substitute in many recipes, not to mention its benefits as a moisturizer.

Is coconut oil good for High porosity hair?

Coconut oil is great to use on any type of hair, including very curly hair. It can be used as a daily moisturizer too. Coconut oil helps melt the dryness that comes with being dry and frizzy, but there are several different types of coconut oils for different uses. You can even buy coconut oil in liquid form! The best part about it is that some people actually enjoy the smell and feel of this natural product.

For any type of hair, the main thing to consider is comparing different products against each other. Is the price worth suffering a few drawbacks for? How effective is it? These are factors we’d want to consider when trying to figure out if coconut oil is good for your hair.

How To Determine Your Hair Porosity?

There are three different types of hair porosity: high, medium, and low.

All hair has porosity. Hair porosity is the surface area that allows the passage of air and moisture into the cortex of the hair shaft. The more open the cuticle layer is, or how porous your hair is, determines how much moisture your hair will retain as well as how quickly it will absorb other products like heat protectors and oils. Each person’s individual strand of hair acts like a water-resistant barrier to keep moisture in or out. This also makes it more difficult for products that are water based to penetrate the hair strand. The cuticle will shade the outer surface of the hair shaft, which can protect it from environmental heat buildup when your strands are exposed to heat or cold.

The amount of porosity in your hair is measured by these tests:

The Texture Test

Visualize your hair strand as a straw and start at the tip. If you are looking at the end of the hair strand, you will see little to no space between the cuticle layer and your hair strand. A low porosity hair strand is very similar to a straw, which has a very thin space between the outside surface and the end of it.

If you were able to imagine your hair with a straw in your hands, you would be able to tell that low porosity strands of hair are thick in diameter, almost like drinking through a water bottle or soda bottle.

The Strand Test

There is a tool available that can test the porosity of your hair strand. This is done by using a strand of your hair and placing it into a little cup that contains water. Then, you would see how much absorption it does or doesn’t do.

Low porosity hair will flatten out, almost like a pancake, due to the amount of space present between the cuticle layer and the actual surface of the strand. Medium porosity strands will have ripples in them because they are thinner than high porosity strands but not as thick as low porosity strands.

High porosity strands are very thin in diameter and nearly transparent in their appearance because they absorb moisture so well.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Low Porosity 4c Hair?

No, coconut oil is not good for low porosity 4c hair. Coconut oil is part of the fats and oils category, so it’s not a good idea to use it in your hair because coconut oil has a very heavy consistency and will easily weigh down your follicles, which is the area where your hair grows from. It also makes your scalp greasy and oily, so it’s better to stop using it as soon as possible.

Is Coconut Oil Too Heavy For Low Porosity Hair?

No, coconut oil is not too heavy for low porosity hair. It’s actually very lightweight and very good for your hair. It’s just a matter of being aware of the fact that it will make your scalp greasy if you use it every day.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Braided 4c Hair?

No, coconut oil is not good for braided 4c hair. Because of how the product feels on your scalp, the weight of the product will easily weigh down your individual strands. If you have low porosity 4c hair, it might be best to stay away from using coconut oil at all because it can feel like a heavy product and completely alter the texture of your strands.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Porous Hair?

It is not recommended to use coconut oil on kinky, coarse and low porosity hair strands because it might cause your hair to become excessively moisturized. Also, I do not think that it would be possible for you to see the type of results that people with different hair types have experienced if you use coconut oil on your kinky or coarse hair strands.

Is Mustard Oil Good For Low Porosity Hair?

Mustard oil is not good for low porosity hair. The reason for this is that the consistency of the product is thick and waxy, and it can easily weigh down your hair strands if you use it every day. If you wanted to wear your hair natural, mustard oil might be a better choice because it will seal your hair shaft to prevent dandruff or hair loss.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Natural Afros?

Yes, coconut oil is great for wearing your afro naturally. It helps keep your hair moisturized throughout the day while preventing any residue build up on your scalp. It will also protect your hair from the elements.

How To Apply Coconut Oil For Hair?

You can apply coconut oil to your hair if you’re wanting to go natural with your afro or kinky twists. You can apply it to your afro or twists when they are wet, but you should use a small amount of product and massage it into the strands until it starts to dry. If you want to use coconut oil on dry hair, you can apply a little bit of product on the tip of your fingers and rub the product through each individual strand of hair.

As soon as you decide on how much coconut oil to buy, make sure that you heat it up before using it on your hair.

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