About Us

About Our Hair Care Blog – clarifying shampoos

At out blog, our sole focus is providing readers with expert, science-based hair care advice, product reviews, and the latest hair health research. Our founder PATRICIA started this blog after overcoming her own severe hair loss struggle. Through tireless research, she transformed her hair health and now strives to empower readers to do the same.

Our Team of Passionate Hair Care Experts

We’ve assembled a team of writers with diverse hair care expertise including certified trichologists, cosmetic chemists, dermatologists, hair stylists, and more.

Trichologist Susan leverages her training in hair science and scalp health to write authoritative articles diagnosing reader hair issues and creating customized treatment plans.

Cosmetic chemist Jorge applies his product formulation knowledge to offer in-depth, unbiased reviews of the newest shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and hair treatments.

Dermatologist Dr. Sandra provides medical insights into the root causes of hair loss and effective medical treatments like finasteride, spironolactone, and PRP injections.

Celebrity stylist Andre educates readers on hair styling techniques, properly caring for different hair types, and achieving runway-worthy looks.

Together, our team provides readers complete 360-degree hair care guidance. We stay updated on the latest trichology research and hair growth studies to give you accurate, cutting-edge content.

The Content That Helps You Flourish, Hair-Wise

At Hair Health Blog, you can expect science-backed guidance on:

  • Hair loss causes – male pattern baldness, stress, post-partum, nutritional deficiencies, medications, and more
  • Hair growth treatments – minoxidil, diet changes, lasers, essential oils, hair transplants
  • Scalp issue diagnosis – how to identify dandruff, folliculitis, fungal infections
  • Product reviews – we test and honestly assess the newest shampoos, treatments, styling products
  • Damaged hair repair – reducing split ends, minimizing breakage, hair strengthening procedures
  • Caring for all hair types – hair products and tips for straight, curly, coiled, and wavy hair
  • Styling guidance – achieving volume, fighting frizz, protective styling, heat damage prevention
  • Maintaining hair as we age – adjusting your care regimen to keep hair healthy and vibrant

Our goal is to provide readers a full education on attaining their healthiest, most lush hair possible. Subscribe for regular doses of hair care knowledge!