How To Grow And Care For Low Porosity Hair?

Maintaining hair with a low porosity may be difficult owing to the fact that it has very specific needs that are different from those of hair with a medium or high porosity. These needs and requirements are unique from one another. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the best ways to maintain a low porosity in your hair as it grows out.

What Is Low Porosity Hair?

If your hair has low porosity, this means that the cuticles are generally tightly separated from one another. This makes it more difficult for hair products to penetrate the strands of hair, which might make your hair less healthy.

When the cuticles are permitted to remain abnormally spread apart, a condition known as low porosity hair results. This condition is the polar opposite of high porosity hair. Because it is more difficult for hair with inadequate porosity to acquire a significant amount of moisture, this may cause the hair to become dry, dull, or flat over the course of time.

Hereditary factors, rather than environmental factors like as heat styling or chemical treatments, are the most typical reasons why people have hair with a low porosity.

For effectively regulating low porosity hair and preserving its general health, it is vital to adhere to a hair care regimen that is personalized to your unique type of hair. This is the only way to achieve these goals. One of the most essential things you can do to promote the development of your hair is to ensure that it receives the appropriate amount of moisture on a regular basis.

Signs You Have Low Porosity Hair

If you are uncertain about whether or not you have hair that is low in porosity, then you should keep a look out for the following common characteristics:

  • You often find that there is a buildup of product.
  • You often get dandruff in addition to an itchy and flaky scalp.
  • Your hair often has a texture that might be described as gritty or lifeless.
  • It takes a significant amount of time for your hair to get wet.
  • It will be quite some time before your hair is completely dried.
  • Your hair is flat and lifeless and suffers from a general lack of volume.
  • You have fragile endings

It’s conceivable that your hair has a low porosity if you have fallen prey to any of the above mentioned symptoms. It only depends on how many of them you have. You will be able to check this information for yourself using the porosity test.

The Porosity Test

If you want to determine whether or not your hair has a low porosity, there are two different tests that can be conducted to find out.

First things first, when you wash your hair the next time, set a timer and measure how long it takes for each strand to get totally saturated in water. This will help you determine how much water you need to use.

When you have hair that has a low porosity, it may take a longer period of time for the water to be absorbed by the hair. This is because the hair needs to go through more work to do so.

If you apply conditioner to your hair, you may discover that it pools on the surface of the hair or runs off rather of being absorbed by the hair. This occurs because the conditioner cannot penetrate the cuticle layer of the hair. The fact that your hair is so smooth is another clue that it has a low level of porosity.

Another way for determining the porosity of your hair is the strand test, which may be performed in a salon setting. In this stage, a strand of hair that has been thoroughly washed is placed under water for the duration of the process. After you have rinsed it out, if it still remains on top, this may be an indicator that your hair does not have a high porosity.

Ways To Grow Low Porosity Hair

Because it doesn’t take in much moisture, hair with low porosity may be challenging to care for, but the good news is that this is something that can be fixed.

If it is cared for in a manner that is distinct from that of hair with a greater porosity, hair with a lower porosity may thrive and grow beautifully.

The following are some simple methods that may be used to encourage the development of hair with a low porosity:

Moisturize properly

In order to flourish, your hair must have access to moisture. The internal structure of hair, which is mostly made up of water, contributes significantly to its tensile strength. In addition to these benefits, it will also make your hair silkier, easier to maintain, and less likely to break.

The amount of moisture that is absorbed by the strand as it goes through its natural process of drying is not enough to keep your strands wet on its own. Your hair will become dry and brittle, and it will also have a higher tendency to fall out. Because of this, you should make it a point to hydrate and condition your hair on a consistent basis by using products like conditioner and moisturizer.

You have a few different alternatives to choose from when it comes to hydrating hair that has a low porosity level. The LOC Method, an abbreviation that stands for “liquid oil cream,” is widely considered to be among the most successful approaches of moisturizing hair that has a low porosity.

When you use this method, you will first need to hydrate your hair with water (the liquid), then you will need to seal the hydration with oil, and lastly you will need to use a cream product to close the cuticle of your hair in order to prevent moisture loss. Water is the liquid that will be used. Your tastes will determine whether the cream functions as a leave-in conditioner, a styling cream, or a butter.

Use Lightweight Oils

Olive oil and coconut oil are amazing for some hair types, but they are not necessarily the best solution for hair that has low porosity. Olive oil and coconut oil are wonderful for certain hair types.

The reason for this is because heavier oils contain bigger molecules, which means that they won’t be able to penetrate the hair shaft and provide sufficient hydration in the same way that lighter oils can. This is in contrast to lighter oils, which can do both of these things.

The question now is, what statement or phrase should you use instead? Grapeseed oil and argan oil are two examples of lightweight oils that are particularly effective in permeating the hair strands and, as a result, enabling moisture to be kept in the hair. Other examples of lightweight oils are jojoba oil and sunflower seed oil.

Because it will be protected from breaking and damaged ends if it is kept moisturized, the hair will be able to grow at a rate that is more typical if this condition is maintained.

Clarify the hair

Clarifying the hair is the process of removing buildup that has accumulated on the hair and scalp through the use of clarifying products or a range of do-it-yourself home remedies such as clay masks or apple cider vinegar treatments. This can be accomplished by clarifying products or by a variety of home remedies that you can make yourself.

Hair that has a low porosity is more likely to readily absorb product than other types of hair. This is because products have a tough time entering hair that has a poor porosity, which is the reason why this happens. Only a very little fraction is taken in, while the rest is excreted as buildup in the environment.

The buildup of products causes the hair follicles to become blocked, which halts the creation of new hair and may lead to loss of existing hair. Because of this, it is quite important to clean the hair on a consistent basis.

Steam for maximum hydration

When it is steamed in the right way, even the hair that has the lowest porosity and the greatest resistance to moisture is able to benefit from being hydrated.

Steam is a great approach for hydrating hair with low porosity since the moisture droplets are in the vapor form rather than the liquid form. This makes steam a good choice for showering. This is due to the fact that vaporized moisture droplets possess a higher energy level than liquid moisture droplets. They move more swiftly and freely when compared to water at room temperature, which makes it faster and easier for moisture to enter each each strand of your hair. When compared to water at room temperature, they travel more quickly and easily.

In addition, steam is preferable than water in its normal liquid state for the purpose of hydrating since the surface tension of steam is reduced to nearly nothing. Water may be found in nature as a liquid. Surface tension is a property of liquids that enables them to resist the force of an external force. Surface tension is caused by the cohesion of water molecules, which gives liquids their ability to resist the force of an outside force.

It is more difficult for water molecules to penetrate the cuticle of your hair because of the surface tension that exists between them. It is already challenging for hair to take in moisture, but when you include in its high surface tension, high water resistance, and poor porosity, the process becomes much more challenging. Because of the low surface tension, the water molecules are now able to freely enter the little spaces that your hair with low porosity possesses, which allows them to hydrate your hair. This is because your hair has a low porosity.

Utilizing a hair steamer is going to be the most successful way for steaming your hair.

Use Heat To Deep Condition

Through the use of heat, the cuticle layer can be made more porous. When the cuticle has been loosened to the right degree, the conditioning product will be able to reach the hair shaft and deposit moisture there. This will only be possible once the cuticle has been lifted. It is feasible to make use of a number of different sources of heat, including a steamer, hooded dryer, or thermal heat cap, amongst others.

Make use of a plastic cap, cover it with another object, and then rely on the heat generated by your own body to accomplish the work for you instead. Alternatively, you may simply use a cap made of plastic. Rinsing off the conditioner with cold water will result in the cuticle being sealed and the follicle being closed.

Use the Green House effect

The green house technique is a treatment that both encourages the growth of new hair and helps the hair that already exists to retain its natural moisture. This method imitates the effects of a greenhouse, including the buildup of heat in a restricted environment, which is one of the characteristics of a greenhouse.

During this step, you will create a humid and warm environment around your scalp and hair by wrapping your head in a towel, a plastic cap, or a hair turban. This will help the treatment work more effectively. Because of the muggy environment that is created, it is inevitable that some of the moisture will be absorbed by your hair.

The warmth of your body causes an increase in the blood flow inside your scalp, which in turn stimulates the hair follicles, which leads to an increase in the quantity of hair that develops as a consequence of the stimulation.

Use Humectants

The term “humectant” refers to any substance that is hydrophilic, which means it enjoys the presence of water. This category of products includes a variety of different things, such as honey, pectin, aloe vera, and glycerin, amongst others.

Humectants are substances that draw moisture from their surroundings, then keep that moisture for themselves, so guaranteeing that their surroundings continue to be moist. This is a good method for avoiding dryness in hair with low porosity and maintaining more moisture in the hair that you already have.

Make sure the humectant has the right amount of water added to it before you use it.

Stop using the product when the humidity is either too high or too low, depending on which extreme is present. If the humidity is not high enough, there is a chance that the natural moisture in your hair may be drawn out and evaporated by the air around you. Your hair will get drier as a direct result of this effect. When the humidity is too high, humectants will cause the hair to absorb an excessive quantity of water from the environment.

Avoid too much products

Hair that has a low porosity is more likely to readily absorb product than other types of hair. The cuticle of the hair is extremely closely packed, which makes it difficult for conditioners, lotions, and oils to quickly penetrate the hair. This is the primary reason for this phenomenon. Because just a small fraction of the chemical is really absorbed, the vast majority of it simply rests on top of your scalp and hair rather than being taken in by your body.

If the chemical is used for an extended period of time, the layers will eventually become more compact and substantial. Because of this layer, the strands of your hair that have a low porosity will not be able to take in as much moisture as they normally would. As a consequence of this, the individual strands of hair underneath will become drier and less flexible. Also, hair with low porosity has fewer negative charges, which means it is less able to absorb conditioners and other positively charged chemicals. As a consequence of this, product buildup is more likely to form on hair with this sort of porosity.

Refrain from using any products that include silicone.

Silicones are a kind of hydrophobic synthetic polymer that is often used as an ingredient in a wide variety of hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, and serums. In addition, some types of materials used for electrical insulation may include silicones.

Silicones cause the creation of a coating that is hydrophobic when they are applied to hair. This layer performs the role of a barrier, blocking the entry of moisture and other chemicals that condition the hair into the follicles and the shaft of the hair. If you have low porosity hair, it is best to use hair products that do not include silicone. Low porosity hair has a difficult time absorbing and keeping moisture, so using products that contain silicone might make this problem much worse.

To prevent damage to your hair while you sleep, use a hat nightly.

After it has been hydrated, hair with low porosity takes a long time to acquire moisture, but once it has, it is excellent to keep the moisture intact. This is because it takes a long time for the hair to open its cuticle and allow water to enter. When you go to bed, put on a satin hat to cover your hair, or even better, put a satin pillowcase over your pillow. Both of these options will help you get a better night’s rest. Because satin does not absorb moisture from your hair in the same manner as cotton does, you will notice that it does not have the same effect.

Pre-poo, wash, and condition your hair in a correct manner

When washing hair that has a low porosity, you should aim for optimum clarity and moisture so that you may achieve the greatest possible outcomes from the washing process.

  • It is possible to effectively add more moisture to hair by using gentle oils as a pre-poo treatment on hair that has a low porosity level. This is an effective strategy. The term “pre-pooing” refers to the procedure of applying oils to the hair in preparation for washing it. Your tresses are shielded from the potentially harmful effects of the shampooing process thanks to this product.
  • Saturate your hair with warm water and work it through your tresses. When you wash your hair, you should always use warm water since it helps to break up dirt and buildup, lifts your cuticles without hurting them, and opens your hair pores so that the maximum amount of moisture can be absorbed. If you don’t use warm water, you might end up injuring your cuticles.
  • It is recommended that you use a shampoo that clarifies the hair in order to get a more thorough cleaning. It is advisable to use shampoos and conditioners that have a pH value of 7, which is regarded as neutral. This is because these products will not strip the hair of its natural oils. It has a more alkaline composition when compared to the pH of the hair, which is between 4.5 and 5.5.
  • As a consequence of this, the cuticle layer that covers the hair starts to loosen and lift, which paves the way for water to penetrate deeper into the shaft of the hair.
  • When you use products that are acidic or have a low pH, the cuticle will eventually get closed as a consequence of this.
  • To remove any further moisture that may be present in the hair, wring it out.
  • Use conditioner on hair that is damp, but not soaking wet, before styling it. If your hair is already at an abnormally wet level, the conditioner will not be able to penetrate the strands of hair since it will simply run off.

Rinse your hair well until it has the appearance and the sensation of being clean.

Keep off too much protein

It is vital to bear in mind that too much of anything, even something useful, may lead it to be harmful. Protein is good for your hair since it helps strengthen the hair cuticles. However, it is also crucial to remember that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

When the hair is treated with an excessive quantity of protein, particularly on hair that has a low porosity, the hair suffers from protein overload, which causes the hair to become brittle and inflexible. This is especially true on hair that has a poor porosity. Because of this, the chance of continuing hair breakdown is greatly increased.

Is rice water good for low porosity hair?

Rice water is a good natural hair growth treatment for low porosity hair, provided care is utilized when applying rice water to low porosity hair. However, rice water should be applied to low porosity hair with extreme caution. Rice water, on the other hand, should only be used very carefully on hair that has a low porosity. Rice water has a high quantity of protein, which, when applied to the hair in excessive amounts, may cause the hair to become brittle and even fall out.

To get the greatest results while using rice water to low-porosity hair, keep the following in mind:

  • Rice water should be diluted to lower the protein content.
  • Inadequately porous hair should not be put in rice water for a lengthy amount of time. The reason and length of time that rice water should be left on low-porosity hair is explored in this in-depth case study.
  • Rice water should be used sparingly if your hair has low porosity. Don’t go crazy. For my very low-porosity hair, I’ve found that a monthly treatment with rice water works best.
  • Avoid using rice water after getting protein treatment.

What To Avoid If You Have Low Porosity Hair

You will need to pay extra attention to the maintenance of your low-porosity hair if you want it to continue to be in good condition and flourish. You should avoid the following style procedures if your hair has low porosity because low porosity hair has certain needs that must be met.

Avoid Using An Excessive Amount Of Products On Your Hair

Because it is prone to the accumulation of styling products, hair with low porosity has to be safeguarded as much as possible from thick creams, mousse, and hair sprays. This is because the hair is susceptible to the accumulation of these products.

Even dry shampoo has the ability to clog pores and develop buildup on the skin. This is because it contains no water. If you keep your hair care routine simple, you will find that it works better for low porosity hair, and it will also mean that you will need to wash your hair less often. If you keep your hair care routine simple, you will find that it works better for low porosity hair.

Steer Clear Of Dangerous Chemicals

If you continue to expose your hair to chemicals like sulfates and parabens in ever-increasing concentrations, there is a good chance that your hair may get drier in the future.

If you want your hair to continue to be healthy and grow longer, you should avoid doing anything that causes the strands of your hair to get dry. Instead, choose for natural cosmetics that include oils that are readily absorbed by the skin, such grapeseed or sweet almond oil. These are the best options.

Limit Heat Exposure

Even while using heat on hair that has a low porosity might be good, it shouldn’t be used as a styling method too often since it can cause harm to the hair.

The use of straightening irons and curling wands may cause the hair to become dry and can also make the ends of the hair more brittle, which are both factors that prevent the development of the hair.

If your hair is already showing signs of damage, you should make every effort to reduce the amount of time you spend using these instruments as much as you possible can. If your hair is already showing signs of damage, this is especially important.

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